Synopsis The film is going to be about a femme fatale having an affair on her detective husband, with a gangster man who is wanted. The opening scene ends with a gunshot and so there is a mystery. Who's been shot, by who? and why? Genre Love, action, film noir. Characters/cast Femme fatale - Ruby Rose played by Ruby Marsh Detective - Monty played by Harrison Fletcher Gangster - Eddie played by Connor Bruce The helper - Lucy played by Pia Setting Around school, dark alleyways. Mostly filmed during night time. Opening ideas Ruby rose is seen to be getting ready for a night out, doing her makeup with her husband sat behind her smoking and drinking some whiskey. She gets in the car with her husband and he asks her to give him a kiss on her cheek, she gives him a kiss and as the camera goes into the mark left on his cheek the camera then zooms out and then the audience see a new man in bed with Ruby Rose. As they come out her husband sees them throug...