
Showing posts from September, 2019

Evaluation of a Documentary, 'Odd One Out'

Jesy Nelson 'Odd One Out'  I was really drawn to this documentary as firstly Jesy Nelson is very very famous and puts herself out there most days on social media and so I wanted to hear more about how she was effected in life, as she is from a different level than most people. And secondly I wanted to learn more about how the BBC produced this documentary and how they touched on a subject like social media and mental health. I found this documentary quite emotional and honest which is what I quite liked in this documentary. In the opening of the documentary we see this particular on use the code and convention of using an interview, which is where we see the raw and emotional person behind all the filmed footage, it is just Jesy, just sat in a room, talking.. which I think is a good way to get feelings form someone.  The documentary starts just a normal village, a normal house which the voices of crew members, which I find starts on the truth and how the documentary

Codes and Conventions Of The Documentary Genre

Codes and Conventions  Hand held camera - Makes it seem more true for the audience watching.  Narrative voice over - Makes the audience feel closer, helps understand.  Interviews and Vox pops - Range of ideas, opinions and stories.  Intercutting - This helps link in key moments and scenes.   Archive footage - To support what is being told, makes the story come to life.  Surveillance  - Background information.  Mediated culture - Encodes opinion.  Point of view - Different view for audience. Sense of closeness.  Use of establishing shot and close ups - establish setting and emotions. Observational, interactive - Different views.  Single stranded, linear - One subject is the topic. Hyper real, exaggerated - Makes it more interesting.  Mainly niche but sometimes mass audience  Hegemonic representations  Lighting  Low key lighting High key lighting 

Trying to figure out a topic for my documentary

I was struggling to come up with a topic, so I decided to sit down and brainstorm. I thought about what documentaries interest me out of ones I have watched, then I thought about the topic of some of those favourites and started to think if I could do something like my favourite ones. My two top ones were the Jesy Nelson 'odd one out' and 'Jade the reality star who changed Britain' and I saw the link between reality stars and how social media had effected them both. And so I then started to just write down my ideas of what I find interesting and what I would like to learn more about and possibly educate more people about. Once I wrote down after ideas I then had to think about what I could really do with those ideas and if I could turn my topic idea into an actual documentary. So I then thought what needs to be in a documentary and found on channel 4's website a list of what they think needs to be in a documentary. It went, Authenticity, Revelation, Innovation, A s

Interview with Robert Flaherty

click here for -  Interview with Robert Flaherty

Documentary Questionnaire

This is the questionnaire I gave out to 11 people, ranging of the ages from 17-73. I asked two 17 year old girls, two 17 year old boys, one 18 year old boy, a 23 and 25 year old woman, a 50 year old man and woman and a 73 year old man. The first 17 year old girl that I asked said she watches a documentary once a month, with is the same answer to the other 17year old girl, the 18 year old boy, the 23 year old women, and the 25 year old women. Where as the 50year old women and man said they watched documentaries sometimes once a week. And 73 year old man said that he watched documentaries most days. Some of the documentaries that were mentioned were, Jesy Nelson 'odd one out'. Harry Potter documentaries. Blue planet. Ted Bundy tapes. Prof Brian Cox, Planets. World War documentaries. There is a clear line in who is watching what documentaries, the younger 17 year old were watching celebrity documentaries or some murder investigations, and the middle aged generation would w

The Lumiere Brothers

The Lumiere Brothers - The first documentary films The brothers invented the cinematograph in 1895 in France. The first 'stories' combined fiction along with documentary. The brothers made cinema . 


Hello, my name is Charlotte and I am now in my 2nd year of my A level Media and am this year starting my A2 advanced portfolio . This year I will be blogging about the documentary genre. I find documentaries very interesting and am very much looking forward to creating my own by the end of this course. I am interested in finding out the history of how documentaries came about and the codes and conventions of documentaries as it is something I haven't looked into a lot.