
Showing posts from March, 2019

Final film










Music suggestions

Main Theme- Andrew Hale  This song fits perfectly into the codes and conventions of the Film Noir genre, however it's quite slow and takes a while to get going. This potentially could be used during the opening establishing shot in our film and whilst the femme fatale Ruby Rose is getting ready, applying her make up. I think it's more likely that we would use the middle part of the song as it's more jazzy and slightly quicker in pace. Private Investigator  This music is more mysterious and creates suspense for the audience, therefore I think this would be a good piece to use in our film as it can also act as an enigma. I think this piece of music would work particularly well whilst the gangsta of our film is walking around after visiting the fem fatale who is a married women, mainly because the audience have many unanswered questions such as who is this gangsta character? Why does he have to leave Ruby Rose all of a sudden? and last but not least where is he going? Fi

Production diary update

20th February - So we have finished filming and have started our editing now. Our first draft edit was without sound and titles which we are working towards as a group. We like using adobe's premiere pro and find it is making the finished look come together better than iMovie did for our preliminary. 28th February - We have got some music we need to look through to see which ones will suit our opening the most with the action that is happening. We have worked out where we need to put music and the cuts we will need to make for the music to flow. 5th March - We have the music edited in with our film and have also chosen some fonts for our titles.

Roles in our production

In this video we discuss our individual roles working with our draft of our opening. We talk about the positive and the negative things we came across whilst working on our opening. Here is a list of everything I did in detail: I filmed; The establishing shots The makeup scenes of our femme fatale getting ready The scenes with Harrison Fletcher and our femme fatale The man walking around The phone call scenes between Georgina Hepson and Harrison Fletcher The end shot of Harrison Fletcher walking into the shadow I wrote the script for the conversation in the car, and the conversation on the phone call. I directed all the scenes that I filmed. I edited all of our film opening. What Lavinia did in our production: She filmed; The car pulling up The car conversation She also did our storyboard. She chose some music to go in our film and we both sat down and decided which ones suited which scenes. We both went and picked costumes an

Focus group, reflections

We did a focus group in our media lesson, to get feedback from our draft film opening. this is a video of us discussing what feedback. We got some critics and comments that our classmates liked from our draft, and then we go on to talk about what we will both do individually to move forward with our final production.

Storyboard for Love Affair

This was our initial image of how we wanted our opening to be like, but since filming some things have had to change due to the time of day being difficult to film.

Hot-seating with characters

Image Here I thought it would be a fun idea to film the actors in their roles of the character they will play. it was also a way for me to have fun with editing a video together with music.