Codes and Conventions Of The Documentary Genre

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Codes and Conventions 

Hand held camera - Makes it seem more true for the audience watching. 

Narrative voice over - Makes the audience feel closer, helps understand. 

Interviews and Vox pops - Range of ideas, opinions and stories. 

Intercutting - This helps link in key moments and scenes. 

Archive footage - To support what is being told, makes the story come to life. 

Surveillance - Background information. 

Mediated culture - Encodes opinion. 

Point of view - Different view for audience. Sense of closeness. 

Use of establishing shot and close ups - establish setting and emotions.

Observational, interactive - Different views. 

Single stranded, linear - One subject is the topic.

Hyper real, exaggerated - Makes it more interesting. 

Mainly niche but sometimes mass audience 
Hegemonic representations 


Low key lighting
High key lighting 


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