Expert Feedback On My Preliminary Task

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I got my media A-level classmates to give me some feedback on my preliminary task. Some of the questions that were raised on the sheet were things about how my preliminary presented symbolic code that support the genre of production, if it had a clear house style, what might stop my product from being viewed as professional, what aspect works particularly well and if they were to re-edit what would their priorities be.

For the first question most people said that the symbolic codes were things like the VoiceOver and interview used. Some also said they liked the use of text which reiterated the statistics. Another thing some people said they liked was a good use of sound, facts and a good introduction. 

The main thing that people said to improve my production was to include boys as well. Someone also suggested to give the average lifetime to emphasis the shocking fact about 5 years and 3 months being on social media. Another suggestion was how to keep my documentary as the same pace, as it goes from moving on at a quick pace in the beginning and then a sudden change to a slow paced interview.

I think from this feedback I will go forward with involving boys so that the target audience can relate to boys as well as girls. I will also make the editing for the interviewing section a lot neater and smoother, however going forward an idea I have had is to use three different generations of people to interview to again emphasis our screen time, with this is will make the documentary run bit quicker rather than a slow paced like in my preliminary.


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