Looking at documentary openings

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Because I am choosing to publish my documentary on BBC 3 I thought it would be most appropriate to look into BBC3's documentary opening sequences. I only watch each opening for about 10 seconds so I could get some ideas how I want to edit my title sequence and how to display the BBC3 logo.

The first documentary I looked at was called 'Why Dad Killed Mum: My Family's Secret' this opened with the BBC3 logo, as shown below. I quite liked this as it was quick to the point on what channel it was and furthermore gives the audience an insight to what sort of genre the documentary will be like, its good to show this as quick a possible so that it keeps the audience wanting to watch. 

The next few clips were close ups of flowers and a town, this creates a sense of location and whereabouts for the audience watching. I like this idea to set the scene. It then goes onto following a girl with a voice over of who we assume to be her talking. 

2 minutes into the opening is when they show the title of the documentary, the title is quite simple but with it being like this makes people read it as that is all they see, the title. 

The next documentary I looked at was 'Reggie Yates Extreme - UK: 1. Gay and Under Attack'
This documentary went straight into Reggie talking over clips from the documentary, including questions to what he is going to be discovering, I like this as it is telling the audience straight away what the documentary is all about. He shows his title 1 minute into the introduction, but differently to how the previous documentary presents the title, this one shows the title with a video promoting what the documentary is about.

My next documentary I looked into was called 'Breaking Fashion' this also started with the BBC Three PRESENTS. Then it went straight into clips from later on in the documentary, with a voice over stating what the documentary is about, with saying some facts and truths about the industry. 

The title sequence to this documentary is what I think quite a nice establishing shot which is an interesting way to show the name of the documentary. I think this gives a larger message that fashion is a busy growing industry just like the city shown. I like this.

In conclusion to looking at these 3 different documentary openings I think I will display the channel logo how the first and last documentaries do, as I think this was a good quick way to add this into the opening and I think this is the way most of the BBC 3 programmes open so it would make mine look like it is meant to be on this channel. I then think I will wait a bit to show my title.


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