Looking at music for my documentary

Because my documentary is quite a serious, factual documentary I don't think I will be using songs with lyrics in. I am going to try and discover some instrumental music for the background of when I have people talking, and for the start with my voice over section. Although saying this I think using known music could be a good thing to interest my target audience as it will be familiar and if they like the song choice it would maybe make them more interested in watching, so I will be looking over a range of possibilities for my documentary.
First sound option - with this sound I think it will be quite empowering however it could possibly be too serious for my documentary.
2nd piece of music - This next sound could be good to use towards the end of my documentary. It has an uplifting sense so would be nice to end with this.
Billie Eilish - I really like this song, and it is popular, but I don't really know where I could
incorporate it in.
The XX - I already love this song and I think this song with a voice over would sound quite good. I would need to trial it out and see if it was to work nicely or not.
Mura masa - this is another favourite of mine in which I think would be liked by a few people. I can imagine this in my opening sequence.
The XX, remix - I think this the best I have found so far to fit in to be background music, its intense but not too serious which is what i'm looking for really.
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