
Showing posts from December, 2019

A Reflection On My Work So Far

Over the holidays I took a lot of time to think and plan about how I want to approach my final production. I am happy with the ideas I have made so far however when executing my filming I may choose to alter my ideas to make even better. For example I have already been thinking about how I can change my title sequence slightly to rather than just on person walking on their phone I could maybe have 3 different people walking on their phones, different genders and different ages, as this is what I am going to be exploring more within my documentary. I am happy with the progress I am making however I am aware of the time left and that I need to start doing some solid filming so that I can gather a good amount of footage so that when I start to edit my production I will then be able to choose the very best clips but also be critical about what isn't going to be any good for my final production. 

Risk Assessment


Permission to film


Script For Documentary


More Facts To Add Into My Final Production

The worlds population is 7.7 billion, the internet has 4.4 billion users and then there are 3.5 billion active social media users. The average daily time we spend on our phones is 2 hours and 22 minutes.  Social media users grew by 202 million between April 2018 and April 2019, which works out that there is a new social media user every 6.4 seconds. This means during what you have watched of this documentary so far there has been an estimate of ___ new social media accounts created.  Facebook messenger and WhatsApp deal with 60 billion messages a day.  When asked, 81% of teenagers felt that social media has had a positive impact on their lives.  Instagram has around 1 billion users, and Snapchat has around 190 million daily users. Some negative things that come from social media are: Depression, anxiety, body image, bullying, fear of missing out, lack of sleep. However its not all negative, some positive things that the media has created for people are things like:  Sel

Storyboard For Documentary

Here is my storyboard in pictures just to be clear in my head as to what i want within my documentary and these are basically the sections in my production. The first thing is what I had in my preliminary which is where I have different people say how long they spend on their phones. Then I will go into the title sequence which I talked about in my updated pitch. Then into the interviews which I am planning on that taking about 3 minutes of the documentary... and then I will go onto many different shots of different places and people I will also have a voice over with many interesting facts.

Questions For My Interviews


Idea About New Ideas For My final Documentary

Aims for my documentary; What? The time spent on social media/phones. Who is this about? Mainly teenagers. Why? I find this topic very interesting and it would be interesting to see how far I can push my creative ability to make a strong message out of this production. My new ideas to make my final production better than my preliminary. I've had an idea in which I interview three different ages and genders asking them about their time spent on social media. Then it will be really interesting to compare the different answers with the different ages. Another idea I have in mind is to make my 'obsessed' title sequence bit more interesting, I'm thinking to film someone walking on their phone along a brick wall and then as they walk past the wall each letter in obsessed comes up. I saw this idea in another production and really liked it and thought by using this idea it could be a really interesting way to get across the message of how people even walking alone in

More Feedback Of My Preliminary

I have asked a few people that are the age of my target audience, to watch my documentary and give me feedback on what they like and dislike and some suggestions that they may have. I have also asked some older people to see what they think too of my documentary as parents will be my secondary target audience and so I will appreciate feedback form them also. Most of my feedback was quite positive, people seemed to appreciate my editing in the title sequence and the section before that. However there was a pattern of people commenting on the interview section saying things like how they thought it didn't flow as nice as it could and the questions could have been asked with some other people.