Idea About New Ideas For My final Documentary

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Aims for my documentary;
What? The time spent on social media/phones.
Who is this about? Mainly teenagers.
Why? I find this topic very interesting and it would be interesting to see how far I can push my creative ability to make a strong message out of this production.

My new ideas to make my final production better than my preliminary.
I've had an idea in which I interview three different ages and genders asking them about their time spent on social media. Then it will be really interesting to compare the different answers with the different ages. Another idea I have in mind is to make my 'obsessed' title sequence bit more interesting, I'm thinking to film someone walking on their phone along a brick wall and then as they walk past the wall each letter in obsessed comes up. I saw this idea in another production and really liked it and thought by using this idea it could be a really interesting way to get across the message of how people even walking alone in the streets are on their phones. One other idea is to take a camera out and film the public just on their phones, maybe a time lapse of people, this hopefully might enhance who are the generation of phone users. 


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