Music suggestions

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Main Theme- Andrew Hale 
This song fits perfectly into the codes and conventions of the Film Noir genre, however it's quite slow and takes a while to get going. This potentially could be used during the opening establishing shot in our film and whilst the femme fatale Ruby Rose is getting ready, applying her make up. I think it's more likely that we would use the middle part of the song as it's more jazzy and slightly quicker in pace.

Private Investigator 

This music is more mysterious and creates suspense for the audience, therefore I think this would be a good piece to use in our film as it can also act as an enigma. I think this piece of music would work particularly well whilst the gangsta of our film is walking around after visiting the fem fatale who is a married women, mainly because the audience have many unanswered questions such as who is this gangsta character? Why does he have to leave Ruby Rose all of a sudden? and last but not least where is he going?

Film Noir- Scott Hallgren 
Again this could be a potential song choice for the opening establishing shot, I think it would work nicely as the opening is quite slow and peaceful allowing the audience to focus and take in the setting and location of the film, and then it moves into a more jazzy piece of music which would work with Ruby Rose's scene in her dressing room. This would also mean that we wouldn't need to change the music between these two scenes, which may work better than using two separate songs.

This music is a very classical piece for the genre of Film Noir. It's very jazzy and would work extremely well again with establishing shot. It would help the audience to identify the genre early on, however we would not be able to use it for more mysterious and serious scene as it simply just wouldn't fit in.

Chinatown: Love Theme
This piece of music is slightly slower than the others and has a more romantic feel to it, therefore could be used during the scene between Ruby Rose and the gangsta flirting, although we may want to use more mysterious music during this scene purely because the two characters are having an affair, therefore this is a secret event that should not be happening.

Harlem Nocturne 
If we want the opening of our film to be more mysterious rather than peaceful we perhaps could use this piece of music as it's a bit more jumpy and engaging, like the Film Noir music by Scott Hallgren this music moves into a more jazzy classical piece and therefore could continues into the fem fatale make up scene.

Main Title- Touch Of Evil 
This piece is a mysterious yet slightly upbeat piece of music, and personally I think could be used in two place either during the establishing shot again to create suspense for the audience, however it could not continue into the fem fatale scene as it wouldn't the action going on. The other potential place it could be used is whilst the gangsta is walking, as it creates tension and mystery in a sort of humorous way, this could be used if we wanted our film to viewed in this way although I'm sure it's very unlikely as we want to keep it quite traditional.

This song has a sort of dangerous feel to it and therefore could be used during the establishing shot if we want viewers to see the film in this way. In some ways the music accompanying the opening shot is the most important as it sets the feel and mood for the film.

Blue in Green 
The start of this song is quite slow and romantic so again could be an option to use during the flirting scene between the fem fatale and gangsta characters, although like I previously said we might want to use a more mysterious piece for this scene. The middle of this scene is more jazzy and classical and therefore could be cropped and used during the opening establishing shot.

This Gun Is For Hire 
The opening of this piece is quite striking and alerting, and therefore perhaps could be used during our final shot of the gangsta walking away from this camera, as this too is a particularly striking shot due to shadows and darkness of the lighting, the central positioning of the character and the un-identification of the character.

Theme From 'Shamus'
I don't know if the music will particularly work well although my opinion might change once seeing it with the shot itself. This is a mysterious piece but also has a light hearted feel to it, I thought perhaps it could be used whilst the gangsta is walking away from the fem fatale, however I don't know if this would work better with a clear, pure mysterious piece of music.

Theme From 'Farewell My Lovely' 
Around 40 seconds in this song really picks up and has a burst of jazzy, romantic music. This could work well as the match shot between Ruby Rose kissing her husband and kissing her 'lover' changes. This could always emphasise the fact that she is happier with the gangsta than she is with her husband.

Theme From 'Body Heat'
I like the middle part of this song as it's quite jazzy and soothing, however I'm not too keen on the opening as I personally think that it sounds more like and a horror genre than it does and film noir and for this reason I don't think it should be used, as we don't want to confuse the audience.

Round Midnight
I particularly like this piece of music and think that it could be used during the establishing shot as it's jazzy and classical to the film noir genre but at the same times has a sense of mystery which can be engaging for the audience.


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