Types of font

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Love Affair
This is not the sort of titling we will use in our final film as it's sans-serif and we think serif font will work better as serif fits better to the era in which film noirs are set, as well as giving a dreamy effect and feel and usually in film noirs, the central character does have dream and in our film the fem-fatale has a dream to be Eddie. 
Love Affair 
This isn't the exact font we will use in our film, but being serif is more suitable than the previous font, as it links the date in which the film is set. 
Love Affair 
We won't be using this font as again it's sans-serif, however it does remind me of the type writer font, which is an old-fashioned product so does have some sort of nostalgic feel.
Love Affair 
This is definitely not the font we will be using, as it's too bold and modern for our film. As well as being quite bulky and not too appealing to the eye. 
Love Affair
This is not the titling we will use as it's too casual and messy,  we want a more sophisticated appearance representing the fem-fatale and her persona. 
Love Affair 
This could be a potential font that we use. I like this font as it's serif, so links to the era as well as the fem-fatale flirty characteristics. 
Love Affair 
This again is a too casual and messy. In some ways it reminds me of a Childs handwriting and in  our film there is not one appearance of a child, therefore it may be strange if decided to use it. 
Love Affair
we won't be using this font as it has no relation to our film or film genre in anyway. it reminds me of aztec writing and therefore may be better fit for the genre of history. 
Love Affair
This font is not appropriate for our film, as it's too big and bold. It's also quite narrow and not easy to read, therefore would not be a good choice. 
Love Affair 
We may use this font as it's sans-serif and quite romantic like the relationship between Ruby-Rose and Eddie, as well as mysterious like the unfinished business between Eddie and Monty. It also links nicely to the time and date in which the film is set and therefore would be a good choice of font for our titling. 
Love Affair 
This is another font which we may consider as again it romantic, dreamy and links to the era in which the film is set. Whatever font we do decide to use we will put in the colour red, this is because it's the classic lipstick colour of the fem-fatale as well as being the representation of love and danger, 2 themes that are associated with film noirs, including ours. 


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