
Showing posts from November, 2019

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Expert Feedback On My Preliminary Task

   I got my media A-level classmates to give me some feedback on my preliminary task. Some of the questions that were raised on the sheet were things about how my preliminary presented symbolic code that support the genre of production, if it had a clear house style, what might stop my product from being viewed as professional, what aspect works particularly well and if they were to re-edit what would their priorities be. For the first question most people said that the symbolic codes were things like the VoiceOver and interview used. Some also said they liked the use of text which reiterated the statistics. Another thing some people said they liked was a good use of sound, facts and a good introduction.  The main thing that people said to improve my production was to include boys as well. Someone also suggested to give the average lifetime to emphasis the shocking fact about 5 years and 3 months being on social media. Another suggestion was how to keep my documentary as

Preliminary Task


Title ideas for my documentary


Production diary update

Since my last posts experimenting with different opening sequences and how to use Final Cut Pro, I have been testing out how to make an interesting opening to my documentary. I have found that I need to film more footage now that I have made what I had already filmed into a short section of my opening. I am planning to film on Monday groups of people or people alone on their phones, for the part of my opening in which I will have someone do a voice over of some eyeopening facts. I'm still in the process of what I want my documentary to go on to do. I have tried an interview which I quite liked but this would only cover 1 minute of my documentary as I wouldn't want it to get boring from a long interview.

Facts about social media

I am going to find some interesting facts about social media that I can use for the VoiceOver in my documentary. I want to find facts that will shock people and then possibly some facts that will be more light hearted and fun about social media as I don't want it to come across as a 'lesson' for teenagers.  Some Facts:  There are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide, that's around 45% of the worlds population. We spend a lifetime average of 5 years and 3 months on social media.  Instagram has 1 billion users. The average daily time spent on social media is 142 minutes.  91% of brands use 2 or more social media channels. Social media users grew by 202 million between April 2018 and April 2019, that works out that there is a new social media user every 6.4 seconds.  When asked, 81% of teenagers said that they felt social media had a positive impact on their lives.  Snapchat users view 8 billion videos on average.  Google processes 100 bill

Looking at documentary openings

Because I am choosing to publish my documentary on BBC 3 I thought it would be most appropriate to look into BBC3's documentary opening sequences. I only watch each opening for about 10 seconds so I could get some ideas how I want to edit my title sequence and how to display the BBC3 logo. T he first documentary I looked at was called 'Why Dad Killed Mum: My Family's Secret' this opened with the BBC3 logo, as shown below. I quite liked this as it was quick to the point on what channel it was and furthermore gives the audience an insight to what sort of genre the documentary will be like, its good to show this as quick a possible so that it keeps the audience wanting to watch.  The next few clips were close ups of flowers and a town, this creates a sense of location and whereabouts for the audience watching. I like this idea to set the scene. It then goes onto following a girl with a voice over of who we assume to be her talking.  2 minutes into the o

Rough footage for preliminary

Here I have decided to edit together quickly the best of what I have filmed so far. I know I need to improve the editing by a lot but I just wanted to see what my idea in my head looked like when edited  together. I think before I go further I would like to film lots of different clips of people on their phones and laptops in different locations to edit a better opening to my documentary. I am thinking to have a voice over this footage, with some facts of social media usage to introduce my topic better than this footage. Before I want to do that I think I will research and watch how different documentary opening sequences look and possibly take some ideas from them to make my documentary opening the best it can look. Link to my rough footage

Looking at music for my documentary

Because my documentary is quite a serious, factual documentary I don't think I will be using songs with lyrics in. I am going to try and discover some instrumental music for the background of when I have people talking, and for the start with my voice over section. Although saying this I think using known music could be a good thing to interest my target audience as it will be familiar and if they like the song choice it would maybe make them more interested in watching, so I will be looking over a range of possibilities for my documentary.  First sound option  - with this sound I think it will be quite empowering however it could possibly be too serious for my documentary.  2nd piece of music  - This next sound could be good to use towards the end of my documentary. It has an uplifting sense so would be nice to end with this.  Billie Eilish  - I really like this song, and it is popular, but I don't really know where I could incorporate it in. The XX  - I alre

Production diary

Today I have been trialing out the editing app 'Final Cut Pro' I like how it works but i am only just learning how to work it as last year I worked on premiere pro. I thought I would try out a new editing software to broaden my skills along a range of editing tools. Although I like this tool I have come across a problem. When I was looking through what things the app includes I saw that you could replicate social media logos, which I thought would make my product look really cool and professional however since looking into this I have found out that to use the animation content it is a further price to pay. I'm disappointed I can't use this tool however I am going to look into other software to see if I can create something else similar to what I had pictured.  Click here for a time lapse of me playing around with Final Cut Pro

Choosing the right editing software

I have been looking through a lot of editing apps and came to find 'final cut pro' which I think will be the best app to use. I like the range of resources it offers, you can make your footage look the best, using tools that can enhance the lighting, animation tools and something I pointed out in going through all the different resources was in the animated content where you can replicate social media logos which could make my final product look really good and professional. Here is a video of me reading through "Extend the power of Final Cut Pro." page on their website.

Structure of preliminary


A plan for my preliminary production

Click here for powtoon 

My Pitch For My Documentary

My Pitch  I will be working on my own for my documentary. I am going to be talk about social media and its impact and the scale of how much people are on social media and their phones. My primary target audience will be 13-20 years old, both boys and girls, mainstreamer and then my secondary audience would be the parents of of these children as they would most probably be intrigued what there is to say about the media.  I am thinking of doing interviews with people asking them how much time they spend each week on their phones. and possibly merging all the voices of people saying how much time they spend on their phones to create a strong message and I am hoping to make a large impact on the thoughts of how long people spend on their phones.  Research: I am hoping to find facts and statistics that I will get someone to do a voice over talking about the mass scale of impact social media has. I am also thinking of showing a few celebrity’s that have talked about

Documentary channels

Click here for Animoto

Analysing three different documentaries

Planet Earth This documentary was published on BBC1, with each episode being an hour long, with this documentary genre being about nature. The main way of this documentary being told is through the famous voice over of David Attenborough, which is the expository mode. This documentary has a balance of music and non diegetic voice overs and dietetic sounds of the nature. There is a massive sense of verisimilitude within these documentaries. It is a shocking yet eyeopening piece of television. The camera shots and movements are what is very extraordinary about these documentaries, to show the scale of animals, to shows the slow motions sequences, these are what show the realism of the episode. Louis Theroux - Mothers on edge  This documentary style is a participatory mode which again has 1 hour feature length episodes. The main use of sound in this documentary tends to be mainly diegetic, with some music. This is interesting in the way that being of all the noises h