
Showing posts from January, 2020

Thinking about my narrative

Open with the Voices of how long people spend on their phones.  Then the clip of different people walking.  Following that I will have a person walking on their phone then sitting on a bench alone, whilst I have a voice over. Then I will go into the day of someone on their phone, in a city, in a restaurant, on a train, in a shop, in a shopping centre. .. etc. I will continue a voice over however it will be less frequent, something will only be said every 10 seconds. Then I will move onto the interview sequence in which I will need to crop down from my first draft to specific questions either about phones or social media. And I will either have the same people to in my draft or I will change it to the younger, the teenager and just one of the older generation.  Lastly I will have the sequence in which plays different shots with voices from famous people, I will have different locations and different shots of people on their phones.  The highlighted is what I need to fi

Timeline of what I am planning to do

I have made a timeline which is going to help prompt me on what I need to film in the upcoming weeks. I do have some problems with time though, as I have 2 weeks until half term and this is when I go home, so I can't film my family until I am home. So I will need to wait to film that. However I am going to try and film whenever I have time to in these next 2 weeks, I have planned to try and organise if I can film my cousin asking her a few questions and I can also re-film some of my other interviews if I decide to do so. I will also film someone outside, I am yet to decide what order to put each section in. 

What I am going to do to improve

Click here for video


Things to think about: Establish opening - narrative direction, phones or social media? what is the question I am asking? what am I trying to show? - key themes  Consider VoiceOver in beginning. Title sequence - range of people, men, women, tall, short, young old. Transitions too many black screens for too long. Background of interviews , microphone, sound levels. Cut down interviews , possibly have someone younger? Move away from inside, go out of school different locations for interview backgrounds. Cut out credits . Need to work on it being coherent throughout.

My own reflection of my first draft

Evaluation: Opening: I like the opening of my documentary although the more I watch it the most I want to editing to be run smoother and have even better editing skills. I think rather than going straight into my interview I need something before just to introduce the audience to the topic of my documentary, posing a few questions to get them thinking. I will try and do this as a voice over, so in the upcoming days I need to start thinking of who will be good at doing a VoiceOver for this documentary. Interview:   It then goes into the interview which I think is well filmed however I need to work on the sound levels.  I have left the most relevant, interesting questions but I think I need to see what other people may suggest when I ask for feedback, they may think that the interview gets boring or the questions asked are boring, so I will just have to ask people about that.  Ending: Then (I hope) my editing has a smooth transition into the next section of my document

First Draft Of My Documentary

Here is my first draft of my documentary, this is only 4 minutes at the moment so I need to work on adding in an other minute of my production, I think I will get some feedback from people and what they think I am missing. So far I have had feedback from my family saying that there needs to be more of an introduction into the topic of my documentary. Click here for video

Applying Narrative to my documentary

From my blog on Jennifer Peedom I have been thinking about how I am going to apply her idea of narrative to my documentary. Finding story in my edit: My 'story' is going to be issue-orientated, around the issue of mobile phones. The goal of this is to simply emphasis how much time we really are beginning to spend on our phones, this idea will hopefully come through in my interviews.. Particularly the question when I ask about the screen time of each person the younger generation will have hours they spend daily on their phones however as the generations get older the screen times becomes minutes as their daily average.  Conflict: I think in my documentary I am presenting a societal conflict between people and phones. Structure: In my production I feel as though my structure isn't yet set in the order of what I want to show, this is because I have a few different sections of what I am doing in my documentary. My first section is the opening which the

What I am editing on...

What is my editing app? For my documentary I have decided to use a different editing software to last year, in which I used premiere pro. I did some research on different editing apps. I came across Final Cut Pro, this is an app which apple made. What are some of the tools I have used so far:  So far I have been cropping my videos, I have also been using the blade tool which enables me to split a clip, I have been editing in sound, text and black background. I have been looking into different fonts and loads of different sounds/music that I think would go with my genre of documentary. One other thing I have learnt to use is make the sound fade at the end so that the editing flows, I learnt this was called an s-curve.  How am I finding it?  I am enjoying using Final Cut Pro, if I ever need to try and find how to do something it is easy to just type what I am trying to do in the 'help' section. 

Footage I won't be using

Click here for video Here is some footage I spoke about in an earlier blog post, as each clip is shown I have written the problem I felt made the clip unsuitable for my final production.

Narrative structures in documentaries

In this video I am discussing what Jennifer Peedom says about understanding narrative structure in documentaries.  Click here for link

Problems I have faced

So my first problem was with the filming... I forgot to turn the mic on for the first minute of my interview, there was some background noise and it was slightly out of focus, however luckily he was free to film on Friday so I got to re-film this (checking the mic was on checking it was in focus and checking the surroundings) Another problem is how long the interview turned out to be, together it was 5 minutes, this was just the interview alone and so I have to edit some questions down and edit some of the questions out completely, however this has been useful so that I edit in the very best of what I had filmed.

This week

So this week as planned I have got my interviews filmed and I have made a start on the editing, I have edited them together however I want to keep editing so that I produce the best. I am really enjoying editing and filming and every time I am thinking of my documentary more and more ideas begin to come to my head... and then the next time I am free I am trying to film that idea so I can experiment with how it is in my documentary. One thing that is taking up a lot of time this week was an idea I have at the beginning of the week in which rather than having the VoiceOver of someone I know, I want to collect loads of famous or news reporters talking as the VoiceOver for clips that I will film. I think this will be a really effective way of getting a message out to the audience. I have also been searching through some music to choose for this section of my documentary and also my title sequence. I am going to crack on with my editing and film some more footage of people on their ph

Production Update

This week I have filmed two of my interviews, I am in the middle of editing them both together however I need to wait for my third interview as this is also going to need to be edited with my other two interviews. I am planning to film my third interview on Wednesday so once I have the footage for that I can then hopefully get on with my editing and playing around with how I could make it better.

New Title Opening Sequence

I have been working on producing a title sequence for my film following my section which I have people talking about how long they spend on their phones. Here is some rough unedited footage of some of what I filmed. I have also been looking into font styles that I want to use for my title sequence over the footage shown above. I was to gradually have the word 'obsessed' appear as she walks past.


This week I am going to hopefully film my interviews. I have emailed the people I wanted to filmed asking if they would be willing to take part in my documentary and fortunately they all have said they would be willing to. I have also printed out my 12 question I am planning on asking them so that when I am filming them I dont waste their time thinking of which questions to ask. Also as I am asking all the same questions for each interviewee I needed to plan which questions would be most fitted and interesting to ask them all. So from now on I need to plan out when I will film, and where I want to film. I am planning to film with the Nikon camera on a camera tripod also using a microphone so that the answers will be of the best quality I can make them. Also as I am choosing to film my teachers they may not have a lot of time to be re filming so I will need to get the most done in the time I have with them as I know they are often very busy. In preparation for my filming I will get th

Branding in film and television

Image From my research into branding and television I am going to use this to work towards creating my website and poster for my documentary.